Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dealing with anxiety (disorder), low self esteem/confidence & stress // Easy tips & ways to deal with them

Hello gorgeous angel of the planet earth.
As I already said a couple times before (this is officially the last time I ever ever repeat that, you all have my word!), this blogpost series is a collaboration with a really close to me YouTube person I always wanted to collab with. Her name's Marie and she's a really sweet and kind soul that has been and still being through a lot of hate and bullying because of her weight..

I suggest you all be prepare and bring a peace of tissue with (just in case!), because my dear lovely angel I am in the unpleasant position to tell you that this is unfortunately the last ever post written by me (MacQueen98) based on those topics. With all of the these words finally out of my system I think it's time to make a really special and helpful for you all finale.

That's why I decided to write an entire post talking (well "kind of") about things you can do that I'm also doing myself to somehow reduce my anxiety and stress while I'm cheering my confidence level up at the same time.

With everything being said is time for my personally tips and ways to help all of your beautiful lives become a little easier..

I think it's a pretty good time to get to the point, isn't it..?

• Talk to a person you trust

The first and most helpful thing you can do is to talk to someone you R E A L L Y trust. It can be anyone to a really close friend or a family member you are especially close with.

• Breath(!)

Despise the fact it's simple, we all need a little magic reminder to tell us to calm of our nerves down and just breath.

• Try to think positive

I know it's hard to convince yourself and your mind that everything is going to be alright during a panic session like the one you probably dealing with at that moment. It's really important though to try to pass a positive and happy message to your brain when everything seems like falling apart.

• Compliment yourself

Something definitely helpful for me during similar situations is complimenting myself. Trust me, I know it's sounds a bit odd and weird but it's SO important to remind yourself who you really are when you need it the most!

• Smile

Last but certainly not least is to be generous enough and give yourself a little bright cheerful present. Smiling while you're nervous is definitely going to make your brain cells spread positive messages to your mind and body.


Oh, I almost forgot to share a really (helpful) secret with you all which you probably(!) know already but you are actually not paying any kind of attention to it, do you?


Definitely NOT!

Do yourself a little favor and S T O P overthinking about what could possibly go wrong and S T A R T think the possibility of things going your way..

Don't forget to check Marie's video about her bullying experience by clicking here.

Before ending this blogpost series once and forever I want to give myself more time (if it's even possible!) and thank every single one of you who have stand by my side for another series I created. It's really important to make sure you all understand the external and internal happiness you've given to me.

I really hope that you will choose me again to entertain you and keep you company at the same time, while I'm going to make you consider and think your life one more (or maybe now that I'm actually thinking of it more that one!) time.

Don't forget to smile,

xoxo MacQueen98.

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