Sunday, April 24, 2016

Are you completely sure your space is permanent or should you really start worrying about it?

Hello gorgeous angel of the planet earth.
This is another typical post of mine where I make you question everything and everyone about your life. It might be a bit typical for myself post but this topic will definitely be a HUGE ''thing'' for you and that dear angel is a promise. So grab your flower crown and get comfortable because another post of mine is about to begin..

I was casually going through my Instagram feed after a really stressful and busy day until something caught my attention. It was a quote (and you all know about my ''tiny'' obsession with them) that was saying (to) "question your space". I tried really hard to convince myself it was nothing but my mind was telling me completely otherwise.

If there's anything I learned so far is that N O T H I N G is permanent when it comes to life. Take that from me, no matter how sure you are about something or someone in your life, you should NEVER get used to a certain situation or a person. Life is changing like people do every day. You are also changing even when you don't think you are..

"How many days did you see your life and realized nothing is changing but when you look back again after a few months, weeks or even days you realize that everything is different?"-MacQueen98.

Are sure that everything and everyone you see around you is real..?

Are you really feeling comfortable with your life or are you just used in a current situation..?

Those and a lot more questions were wandering in my head after I saw and read that picture..

There are so many thoughts about pretty much everything around me in my head right now..

So many questions that craving to be answered..

So many thoughts that finally found their way out..

"The worst thing in life is when you're daily surround by so many people around you but you still feel like no one is by your side.." -MacQueen98.

I know that this post was kind of all over the place but my mind turned one hundred eighty degrees after I accidentally saw and read that Instagram picture.

"Sometimes your mind itself completely refuses to stop thinking about something you probably want to forget even though you tried to convice yourself it was nothing'' -MacQueen98.

I desperately hope that these post of mine was able to shake you a little bit and make you question and think about your life a lot more than you (already) have.

Until next time..
Don't forget to smile,

xoxo MacQueen98.

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