Thursday, April 2, 2015

life is a gift

Morning angels!
Someone's feeling really good today. Any guesses? I am so happy that I'm finally able to posts after four days. Anyway, before getting started I want you to know that you're amazing and that I love you. 

It's around 7 a.m. right now and the sun is located where it belongs. As for me, I decided to photograph the sunshine instead of staying in bed or sleeping (like most of the people do right now). My mom thinks I'm crazy but I believe that nothing compares to the beautiful colors of the sky when it dawns. A quote says that "a picture is worth more than a thousand words". 

I always loved mornings. They're the best part of the day in my opinion. I once read a phrase that I won't forget in my entire life. "Life is a gift, wake up every day and realize that". The thing is that every time that I wake up in the morning and see the beginning of the day, I realize that life IS a gift. That's why I wake up so early every day and why I love mornings so much.

"As long as you realize that life is a gift it will slowly turn into one" -MacQueen98.

Have a GOOD day, 
xoxo MacQueen98.  


  1. This is my favorite post of yours, I love everything from the start to the end.
