Saturday, March 3, 2018

a new chapter;

Dear angel,
The last time I typed those two words was in the first of January. The past few months I went through a couple of difficult moments that caused me lack of inspiration by also helped me grow and change my perspective on a lot of things. I am a strong believer of the quote "everything happens for a reason" so I do think that everything happened because I needed to realize a few things. Lately I've been focusing only on the positive things in life while shutting all the negative ones out. I've realized that I needed to be more grateful for all of the nice people / things that I'm luckily surrounded with. Once I did that I found inner peace and happiness. There are of course a lot of things that I need to work on but I do believe that I'm in a good place with my thoughts, mind and body right now. Positivity will definitely be something that I'll blog a lot about the next few months to help myself and the people around me but also to document this process so one day I can look back into it and be proud of myself for never giving up or quitting.

Something that I've realized from the very beginning was that ever since I changed my perspective I've been so much stronger, happier and also encouraging and loving to myself. There is so much power coming from the inside that is now spread on the outside of me. I've always wanted to focus on myself for a little while, find inner peace and work on those little things that have been bothering me. I believe that now is right time to do so.

Before I go I want you to remember that every step counts even the tiniest one so focus on yourself for a little while, absorb all the beautiful things around you, smile more often, spend more time outside but also do something you love; whether that's reading a good book, getting that extra hour of sleep in the morning or dancing in the middle of the night with a huge glass of wine. Do something that you always wanted to do, but never had the time to.

From now on I'll try to post more frequently, spread positivity and update you guys on my journey. Thank you for being patient with me, I really appreciate it. 

Don't forget to smile,
xoxo MacQueen98.