Dear angel,
According to a Greek phrase a good day starts with a good morning. Despise the fact that I am Greek I am a truly believer of that phrase simply because no matter what happens afterwards you know you have had a good day. There's nothing more relaxing to do on a Saturday morning than read a really good book, listen to some old good jazz music and write a few thoughts, poems, quotes or stories while laying in bed for plenty hours..
Don't forget to smile,
xoxo MacQueen98.
According to a Greek phrase a good day starts with a good morning. Despise the fact that I am Greek I am a truly believer of that phrase simply because no matter what happens afterwards you know you have had a good day. There's nothing more relaxing to do on a Saturday morning than read a really good book, listen to some old good jazz music and write a few thoughts, poems, quotes or stories while laying in bed for plenty hours..
Don't forget to smile,
xoxo MacQueen98.